Monday, January 9, 2012


Its been a year now and although I'm not completely where I want to be as far as going completely began I'm still going strong as a vegetarian. Yeah me! I didn't think id make it this far and believe me I still have days where I want to say forget it! I keep on keeping on though.
Christmas this year was very surreal. We had a huge family crisis and well now my mom lives with me. Which is an adjustment to say the least. But my sweet husband got me a kindle fire for Christmas, which is what I'm posting on right now so maybe I can keep up with posting now! I'm seriously considering doing the whole foods kitchen workshop over st beautythatmoves blot. Go check it out! I'm getting pretty excited I just hope with everything young on I can to it!
Well tats for now, hope to br posting soon!

Love, laugh, live simply......

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